I'm fast. No I'm not.

I'm in the middle of a week long fast from rich food and my favorite game. And I don't know why. I'm hoping it was a prompting of the Holy Spirit and not some random thought that popped into my head. I had the usual holiday diet of way too much fast food from all the traveling and such. New years eve I got Taco Bell and decided after that it was over. I needed to eat nothing but vegetables for a week. The thought developed into a fast from gluttony in general. I've been addicted to a game called Civilization IV for the past several weeks. It has everything I could want in a game. History, strategy, role play, and an epic scope. I have been gluttonous with it. And sadly, I feel like I restrained myself a lot. But realistically, it takes about 20 hours to play an average game…. And I've played several of them. For someone so freaked out about how little time I have, it's quite sad.

So now I'm trying to figure out how to cope with my losses. And I think that might be the most important part of why I'm doing this. I always knew I used food and games as a crutch to get me through the day… little rewards I could look forward too. Oh, and I'm not drinking pop either. That was my only caffeine source. I kind of surprised how little it seems to affect my tiredness. Actually, come to think of it, I've tried to go to bed early the past 3 nights only to lay awake for hours… Hmm.

Anyway, I'm hoping this will be worth it… because mixed vegetables for breakfast lunch and dinner is getting old. Surprising, huh? And I really, really want to play Civ 4 again! It's funny how when you resolve to do something, suddenly the fates are against you. For instance, the very first day, we took the kids to McDonalds. (Mmmmm Double Cheesburger…) But I had a side salad. Then, last night my wife goes out with her friend for several hours. She almost never does that! That is my prime gaming time!!! (Since I try not to play games when I should be spending time with my beautiful wife.)

But so far I have been steadfast. Maybe I'll have something profound to share afterwards.


Anonymous said…
Hang in there, it will be worth it. I know when I unplug and take a break from gaming, I have tons of time on my hands and don't know what to do with myself. I usually fill it up with watching TV or some other form of entertainment.

I quit drinking Caffinated drinks like 4 months ago and I definetly noticed a difference. It's kind of hard to notice, but after a month (yeah it takes that long for your body to adapt to the change) you will notice your not so draggy durring the day.
Anonymous said…
Hang in there, it will be worth it. I know when I unplug and take a break from gaming, I have tons of time on my hands and don't know what to do with myself. I usually fill it up with watching TV or some other form of entertainment.

I quit drinking Caffinated drinks like 4 months ago and I definetly noticed a difference. It's kind of hard to notice, but after a month (yeah it takes that long for your body to adapt to the change) you will notice your not so draggy durring the day.

P.S. You might take it easy on the whole diet thing. Going from a fatty mcdonalds diet to a vegi only diet all at once could be tricky. It might send you into a eating binge or something.

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