Podcast List 2018

I spent some time transcribing my podcast list for someone. Might as well share it here.  Seems like a fun little snapshot of part of my intellectual life. 

We The People Live (Politics, hasn't updated in months, might be dead)
99% Invisible (A lot of philosophy of design and industrial design talk)
Ask Science Mike (A Christian-turned-atheist-turned-mystic/christian-ish talks science and faith and sometimes how they mix)
Audition: A Mars Hill Podcast (No, not THAT Mars Hill. An organization that's like PBS for Evangelical Christians. Very smart intellectual cultural analysis full of interviews with fascinating people. A big part of my education on how to interrogate culture and diagnose worldviews)
The Glenn Show (A (politically middle-ish) African American Economist from Brown University talks politics, culture, economics. Usually guest hosted by my favorite linguist, John John McWhorter (A bit further left on the spectrum)
Building A Story Brand With Donald Millar (Business advice for how to communicate your businesses core message/service)
Common Sense With Dan Carlin (His main gig is Hardcore History, but I enjoy his political perspectives on the rare occasion when he drops them)
Cortex (CGP Grey's podcast is mostly about the nitty gritty of organizing/streamlining one's life with the assistance of tech, apps, etc.
Designer Notes (Soren Johnson interviews various game industry designers)
Witch,Please (Two ladies deconstruct/fangirl over the Harry Potter universe)
Final Games (A quirky podcast that interviews people from the game industry with the premise that the host is banishing them to a deserted island with only 8 games to play. Then they discuss the list that the guest has made.)
Hidden Brain (Cognitive biases and the social/political/interpersonal issues that they cause)
Invisibilia (Very similar to Hidden Brain "Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions.")
Lexicon Valley (Prof. John McWhorter talks about language.)
Mark Dawson: Self Publishing Formula (I think the name says it all)
Omnibus (An encyclopedic reference work of strange-but-true stories from Jeopardy's Ken Jennings and musician John Roderick.)
Planet Money (The economy explained. Imagine you could call up a friend and say, "Meet me at the bar and tell me what's going on with the economy." Now imagine that's actually a fun evening. P.S. I don't actually think anyone can "explain" the economy)
Presence; A Global conversation for a new earth (The application of the concept of Spiral Dynamics to Christianity and spirituality in general.)
The Psychology Of Games (Name says it all)
RadioLab (I don't do this one often as it's usually about specific stories of specific people and that sort of thing rarely interests me unless I can extrapolate universal truths or meaningful data from them. And most stories that are interesting are usually interesting BECAUSE they are statistical outliers, meaning they only add noise to any given model of how the world works)
Rationally Speaking (Julia Galef and guests explore the borderlands between reason and nonsense, likely and unlikely, science and pseudoscience.
Revisionist History (analysis of specific historical events and how they can be interpreted differently)
Ridiculous History (Two dudes talk about weird things from history)
Secular Jihadists (Ex-Muslims talk about the trails and tribulations of deconversation and surviving.)
Shrink Rap Radio ("All the psychology you need to know and just enough to make you dangerous." Interviews with a variety of psychiatrists and talk about psychiatry in general. Headsup: Host is a big fan of Jung. )
Stuff To Blow Your Mind (Two dudes talk about interesting topics. Like a random selection of Wikipedia articles)
Stuff You Should Know (Same as above)
Artifexian (The closest thing to a world-building podcast I've found.
I wish they spent more time on world-building. Please let me know if you know of a better world-building podcast.)
The Bible For Normal People (What people from my brand of Evangelical Christianity would call "liberal Christians: aka Not-Real Christians. They talk about ... The Bible! From a framework that is not what Evangelical Christians and atheists want to.)
The Culture Of Tech (Benj Edwards is a freelance journalist and historian specializing in tech history who interviews various people in tech)
The Ezra Klein Show (The editor of Vox talks politics from a very left perspective)
History Of English (Name says it all)
This Week In Machine Learning & A.I. (Name says it all)
Very Bad Wizards (First Prize for Most Misleading Name. Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.)
Waking Up With Sam Harris (Famous for be 1/4 of the 4 horse men of the atheist apocolypse, I find his implacable commitment to ethics and open dialog incredibly inspiring. My favorite podcast ever. The only one I ... savor... by which I mean I listen at 100% speed instead of 130%)
Whiting Wongs (Dan Harmon, creator of Community and Rick & Morty in discussion with Jessica Gao -TV writer- about the ethics, politics, and logistics of creating a more inclusive writing team)
Writing Excuses (Brandon Sanderson -author of the Stormlight Archives- and 3 other authors talk shop about genre fiction)
You Are Not So Smart (Usually about logical fallacies or cognitive biases)


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