The Douche Tax

Bread And Circuses is a food truck. My lunch plans fell through so I didn't bring my lunch from home
like I usually do. (That's the only way I can safely avoid carbs.) My homemade lunches cost me maybe
2-3 bucks a meal, so it's really tempting to drive home and make one there, but the
opportunity-cost/gas-cost seemed like just getting a bunless burger at this food truck was the better
choice. But still, when I saw it was $14 I about choked. And I grumbled to my friend, and maybe the
guy working the counter heard me. Because when I asked if it was any cheaper to get a burger without
the bun and fries he got a little snide with me and said "This isn't Burger King."

Not wanting to hold up the line and feeling trapped by my series of bad choices I put in my order.
Additionally I tipped him a dollar.

My friend who was with me keeps telling me how wrong I was to tip them. But I have a few quirks that
made me do it. First, I've worked several food service jobs and I know how often you get crapped on
by rude customers. I have a great job where I get to be creative, comfortable and fulfilled, so I don't
feel right about punishing a food service worker for having a bad moment.

Second, I understand that to many or most people who don't know, (and probably many who do) I look
like a douche. So I pay the douche tax in social capital to look the way I do. My 'look' intersects with a
lot of sub cultures that are indeed known for having a lot of douche bags.  So I can't really blame anyone
for making those associations and drawing inaccurate conclusions about me. So I try to have grace for
that kind of misunderstanding. And maybe I overcompensate.

This is a great example of how we tell ourselves narratives about ourselves and our actions. How we
interpret ourselves as agents of goodness and righteousness.  The REAL reason I tipped a rude food
truck guy is that I’ve been conditioned to feel shame if I don’t tip. I payed a monetary price to maintain
that opinion I have of myself and what I hope others see me as.

Anyway, my friend who sees the scenario as a grave injustice just got me thinking about these things
so I thought I'd share.


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