Clash of the Titans
Sam Harris debated Ezra Klein. I listen to both these guy’s podcasts. But I’m a much bigger fan of Sam Harris. His is the only podcast in my library that I truly savor. I’ve also read most of his books. I just like the way he thinks. I like his heart for communication and ethics, his willingness to engage with contrary opinions, and his ability to articulate his ideas well. But that last part really only applies to a certain demographic that I just happen to be a part of. Here are some of the quirks of me and that demographic. 1. We care more about ideas and systems than we do about particular people and their stories. (This is NOT the same as not caring about people, but that’s a whole ‘nother issue) 2. We have a LOT of patience for focusing on long form arguments. 3. A boring monotone voice doesn’t put us off. I enjoy Ezra’s work on a different level. I like hearing far Left argum...