Art-Full Week
Here's how it all went down. I started communicating with Samantha from Virgin Black years ago because I was so inspired by a song of theirs that I wanted to make a sculpture based on it, but some of the lines were too poetic for me to fathom. She was very open and helped me out a great deal. At some point she saw a picture of a sculpture I had done a long time ago. She told me she really liked it. And since it was just sitting in my scrap pile after suffering a lot of moving damage, I figured I'd use it as bait to get them over here when they went on tour. They are from
I went and saw them on a Tuesday night and dragged Heather along. (She's a great trooper considering how little she likes this kind of music. It was a fantastic show. Their new bass player also sings and can hit those same operatic notes Rowan does, so they had some great layered vocals just like on the CD. I hung out with them for a while after the show and they are the nicest people you could ever meet. I gave Samantha and Rowan their sculptures.
I asked them how they were doing on their tour. They said their first driver almost crashed three times in the first day, so they fired him. And there have been a lot of other disasters as well. They are losing a ton of money. I said they must then be doing it for the love of it, and Rowan immediately said that wasn't why. I asked why then, and he said they were "being obedient." Sam tried to explain that this is just something that they have to do, but couldn't really explain it. I told her I think I know what she's talking about as I have a similar mission I feel like I've been given. (That whole Crymsin Hymnal music project thing.) It was a great night and I was elated to find that my music heroes are kind and humble people who are seeking to do the right thing.
That weekend was Kirkland Uncorked, a wine tasting and art festival. My Santa sculpting friend Dennis procured me a booth again this year. This time I came prepared with shiny fliers about
my sculpting classes to pass out. It looks like I'll have another full class as a result. (I applied to teach at Michael's last month and they seemed excited, but never got back to me. I need to follow that up.)
My mom had the kids down for a couple of weeks so I was able to get so much done, and I'm amazed at little that is when compared to my ambition. Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who could just put in their 9 to 5, go home and watch TV and go to bed being content with life. I'm sick of feeling like I can never accomplish everything I feel like I need to do. I suppose like everything else in life, it's about finding a balance.
(hi, by the way. we communicated once several years ago.)