Atheist Forum Conversations 2
Here are excerpts from some of my conversations on a forum called Happy Atheist. It's really hard to edit a forum conversation to include all the relevant discussion without also including a lot of off topic banter. So there may be a line or two in reference to something not included. But I think I got the just of it here.
Re: UN-intelligent Design:
-ME (Scrybe) -
So… no one else is creeped out by how arrogant sounding the "stupid design" guy sounds? I mean, you can agree with his message, but still see that his presentation is so condescending and presumptuous, right? There are plenty of Christian speakers that say stuff I agree with, but they are clearly such ass-clowns that their pompous personality overwhelms the message. That's what I see in this guy.
And his argument has a gaping hole in it. It presupposes that a good design is one where there is no suffering or pain. As though a good God must want us to be comfortable and happy all the time. That's quite an assumption. To me, his argument is like this:
*In Jerry Seinfeld voice*
"What's the deal with garbage trucks?! What kind of an idiot designs a truck that is full of garbage? I don't want to drive around in a truck full of trash, do you? It's all stinky and bulky, and has terrible gas mileage. Clearly, this truck was not thought through at all!"
See, if the universe was designed as a metaphorical furnace for our mind, soul, and body, then it's designed quite well. Only if you add your assumption that we are supposed to be in a paradise can you make the argument that we are designed poorly. (Or in this case, not at all.)
Actually, I'm a little surprised that this video was objectionable. The guy is Neil deGrasse Tyson, and I've seen him on a lot of the more modern cosmology shows on Discovery, Science Channel, places like that. He's going for humor, but, ..., he's mostly just stating what appears to be obvious. I mean, the door-to-door atheists I posted could definitely be considered "ass-clowns" (
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-ME (Scrybe) - | |
SteveS wrote: |
Actually, I'm a little surprised that this video was objectionable. |
I don't know that I would call it objectionable. Although, I guess since I'm objecting to it, it must be. … Anyway, I rather enjoyed the other ones. Must be a personality thing.
SteveS wrote: | ||||
It doesn't seem that way to me. I'd say which theory has more evidence? If the universe was designed by a God who cares about us, then it is patently obvious that our comfort is not His primary goal in the design, wouldn't you say? If we were both observing a garbage truck and you said it must be designed for carrying kings, and I said it must be designed for hauling trash I think the evidence would support my argument more.
SteveS wrote: |
Well, quite simply, you can not. This is not, however, the intellectual precipice you seem to be indicating. Whether or not there is a purpose behind a thing does not make it more or less deserving of study and thought. Actually, I take that back. An assumption that everything does have a purpose seems to me to be more of a motivation to study. An assumption that a certain percentage of reality is purposeless would seem incentive to marginalize things and ideas that you can't fit into your world view. Discard enough of these things and you must end up as an atheist.
SteveS wrote: |
Actually, most creationists argue that the bad stuff is our own fault for giving into temptation.
SteveS wrote: |
I wonder, what would a committed creationist ever observe in existence that would make him or her doubt that existence was designed? |
I can't think of anything that would. Are you implying that this disposition makes us unable to create rational world views or scientific claims? If so, does a disposition that assumes no creator do the same? It seems to me that both offer a lens through which we interpret reality.
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-Me (Scrybe)-
SteveS wrote: |
Bigger than the assumption that it was not designed?
SteveS wrote: |
Nope. So let's fit this analogy to our predicament better. Let's say we are children unable to leave our front lawns, postulating the nature of garbage trucks. We would have to rely on a lot of circumstantial evidence and inference. As finite beings trapped in time and space we are in the same boat. Some evidence we have to consider is what we know of history, (as told through a variety of biased sources) the fact that we exist, the fact that there is no explanation for how this could have come to pass. We can't see back before the big bang / where the garbage truck comes from. We can't see into the future / where the garbage truck is going. We have to rely on processes that occur here and now and make inferences based on their nature.
SteveS wrote: |
I don't think I'm marginalizing things that don't fit in my world view. |
Except the following:
SteveS wrote: |
I do think I'm marginalizing things that could be said to be possible but that do not present me with any compelling reason to believe they are even probable, let alone actual, based on the best evidence available to me at the current time. |
Please note how many judgment calls and subjective adjectives you used in this statement. This is precisely my point. You do marginalize things that don't fit into your worldview because your worldview finds them marginal. (not compelling, no physical evidence, etc.) Because your worldview only considers the physical, it must preclude that which is not. It seeks to find physical causes for metaphysical experiences and ideas. And that very position closes off an entire world of possibilities.
SteveS wrote: |
I'm not sure which hypothesis of creationists you are referring to here. But I think you are wrong about not being able to disprove many creationist theories. (As far as modern science can disprove anything.) Take a global flood for example. There is simply not enough water in the earth's homeostatic system to cover the highest mountain. Those who make such claims are proven wrong.
SteveS wrote: |
Is it rational to believe that matter and time was created rather than spontaneously occurring? Both are miraculous and occur outside the realm of science. So yes, I think it is rational. Scientific? Well, it depends on how you define science, huh?
SteveS wrote: |
Would you mind reading over my conversation with Squid on that thread and adding your 2 cents. (Why is there no 'cents' symbol on keyboards? Am I the only one annoyed by this? And even more importantly, why no musical note symbol to indicate that your text is intended to be sung?)
SteveS wrote: |
SteveS wrote: |
[*]Remains of a human being, with modern human genes in it's DNA, appearing in a pre-Cambrian rock strata and carbon dating to pre-Cambrian times. |
Wait a minute. It sounds like you are confusing literal 6 day creationism with every other creationism. Personally, I believe the evidence points to a multi-billion year history for the earth. I believe the creation account in Genesis is clearly a poetic interpretation of that multi-billion year history. If a modern human were found in a pre-Cambrian rock strata that would just mean that we have screwed up the dates, that wouldn't speak one way or another to the possibility of creation by a god.
SteveS wrote: |
[*]Repeatable, statistical evidence that prayers change outcomes of events in a significant manner that is consistent with the request of the prayer. |
Again, this is based on a certain interpretation of what prayer is and what is expected of it. And again, a verifiable study on this issue would not rule out a simple human component rather than a reacting god.
SteveS wrote: |
[*]Compelling evidence that occasionally, though no known forces are measured, bits of matter are recorded spontaneously composing themselves into new species of living creatures. |
I'm not sure that there are any religions that claim spontaneous generation after the initial creation of matter.
SteveS wrote: |
[*]Otherwise random quantum events being recorded to occasionally, in large numbers, occur in strongly statistically unlikely patterns (i.e. very non-random) that together accomplish some seemingly directed goal like pushing atoms together into an RNA molecule. |
This would not indicate a creating force either. There could be many reasons for such occurrences. Isn't this the basis of evolutionary theory? It just adds lots of time to the mix.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is that your atheism will never be overruled by physical evidence. Only an true openness to experiential, subjective knowledge. Just like the creationist who will interpret anything and everything as a creation, you can find a way to interpret anything and everything as a result of natural, physical phenomena. Again, this is my main point on the Dragon thread if you want to direct comments or criticisms, you can do it there for the sake of organization.
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Scrybe wrote: |
Bigger than the assumption that it was not designed? |
Within the Universe, yes. But if you are talking about the “cause” of the Universe, no.
I’m trying to be clear about this because some of your answers were not typical of the kind of beliefs held by what I consider a typical creationist. I believe that Neil deGrasse Tyson was mocking modern Intelligent Design, which is a specific kind of creationist attitude that never-the-less has a lot in common with other creationist points of view.
What I’m trying to say is I don't believe that anything within the Universe is designed by some superior intelligence. I believe that it is all the result of natural laws which are constant and unvarying (and hardly qualify as “gods” according to popular use of the term, although scientists such as Einstein used this term poetically as a description of nature). I believe this because of compelling physical evidence. There is a lot left to learn, but there is no good reason to believe that the things within our Universe were designed by anything other than these natural laws (if you can call that “design”, to me it’s more like “result”).
There is a line of distinction here which is the big bang. What caused the big bang? Unknown. That's all I can say about it. In honesty, that's all anyone can say about it. It’s hard to know if the concept of the big bang having a cause even makes sense. So, did some god or gods design these laws and properties of nature and then “cause” the big bang? Unknown. Ideally, we wouldn’t make any assumptions about things like these, we would just continue to study them and hold off judgment until we have some sort of evidence upon which to judge. To do otherwise is merely to speculate, and to speculate without reason. So – assuming that the Universe was designed does not stand to reason in my mind.
About the garbage truck analogy:
Scrybe wrote: |
We have to rely on processes that occur here and now and make inferences based on their nature. |
I agree. So, I'll stick with the analogy to try to express my line of thought, but we'll have to go back and forth a few more times. We were discussing what purpose we felt garbage trucks were designed for (hauling trash or hauling kings). But again, I think we're getting the cart in front of the horse. Let's go back to the design --- why would we think the garbage truck is designed at all? (This isn’t a trick question – I believe garbage trucks can be reasonably said to have been designed – but it’s the reason why that I’m try to get at).
Scrybe wrote: |
Please note how many judgment calls and subjective adjectives you used in this statement. This is precisely my point. You do marginalize things that don't fit into your worldview because your worldview finds them marginal. (not compelling, no physical evidence, etc.) Because your worldview only considers the physical, it must preclude that which is not. It seeks to find physical causes for metaphysical experiences and ideas. And that very position closes off an entire world of possibilities. |
Do you think Zeus, Aphrodite, Mars, Odin, Osiris, Amun Ra, Vishnu or the Titans are real? How much sleep do you lose worrying if you are on the wrong path because you've got the wrong god? Now, if you don't think any of these gods are real, do I get to claim you're just marginalizing things that don't fit in your worldview?
I'm trying to be as open minded as I can. Scientifically, all knowledge is tentative. Please try to understand that to me, "metaphysical experiences", or "spiritual experiences" have not been demonstrated to be real. As you say, we must use our faculties and our reason to deduce what things are most likely correct. My reason has led me to believe that there is no such thing as a "metaphysical experience", not my worldview. My worldview is constructed as a result of my reason. If you insist that "metaphysical experiences" are every bit as real as "physical experiences", do I get to claim that you are only accepting these things because your worldview requires that you do so? Because although you’ve dismissed all other gods (assuming you are a monotheist) as bunk, you must accept at least one as legitimate because your worldview requires at least one god? That you are marginalizing physical proofs because of your worldview?
Scrybe wrote: |
Is it rational to believe that matter and time was created rather than spontaneously occurring? Both are miraculous and occur outside the realm of science. |
The manner in which time and matter came to exist is unknown. How can anyone say with certainty that it is "outside the realm of science"? It's unknown. Period. Beyond that, everything is speculation.
A note on the below, about things that would change my worldview. I tried to come up with particular reasons that would allow either that our evolutionary understanding is truly incorrect (as claimed by the Intelligent Design advocates that the original video was in response to) or that would indicate that a deity is actually active in the Universe.
Scrybe wrote: |
If a modern human were found in a pre-Cambrian rock strata that would just mean that we have screwed up the dates, that wouldn't speak one way or another to the possibility of creation by a god. |
I'm not a professional "evolutionist", but I believe something like this would be a big problem. Evolution states that there can only be small changes to the hereditary material (DNA) during each generation. There are small numbers of mutations, sometimes. A trilobite cannot give birth to a giraffe. A human could not exist in pre-Cambrian times because our previous common ancestor did not exist until far later. There was no existing DNA that could have experienced a small mutation and become the first human. Here is a great presentation of common descent. If you decide to look it over, please pay particular attention to the phylogenetic tree. If evolution is grossly incorrect, then we don't know how we came to exist, which would re-open the possibility that human being were hand designed and created directly by god (a weak possibility assuming everything else remained valid, but at least a possibility that would be far better than seems to exist currently).
Scrybe wrote: |
Again, this is based on a certain interpretation of what prayer is and what is expected of it. And again, a verifiable study on this issue would not rule out a simple human component rather than a reacting god. |
Depends --- if a village could make it rain, reliably, through prayer - I would be hard pressed to find a simple human component. What if only prayers to one (or some) gods worked? And, what if those worked for all sorts of different things (weather, health, armed conflict, whatever). This would be consistent, at least on the surface, with active gods answering prayers. If there are active gods in the Universe, well then, there's a much better chance that things in the Universe are being designed, created, and manipulated by them.
Scrybe wrote: |
I'm not sure that there are any religions that claim spontaneous generation after the initial creation of matter. |
This is a failure on the part of creationists to fully consider the ramifications of their theories. For example, Intelligent Design advocates hold that life could not have arisen naturally on earth from non-living matter. So god would have to have created life on earth far after the initial creation of matter (after 7 to 10 billion years or so, after the earth formed). Intelligent Design also holds that evolution can increase variety within species (or like kinds), but cannot produce new species or new kinds (they use the word “kinds” because of the Noah’s
Scrybe wrote: |
Isn't this the basis of evolutionary theory? It just adds lots of time to the mix. |
This would be origin of life theory, not evolution. But no, current models of origin of life look for natural processes that create self-replicating molecules (living molecules). They don't rely upon very highly unlikely firings of quantum events (they aren't compelling theories if they need too much "luck").
Scrybe wrote: |
Only an true openness to experiential, subjective knowledge. |
Openness without rigorous proof is the way to mysticism. We've tried mysticism and it led us into darkness. This is exactly what Carl Sagan meant by the "Demon-Haunted World". More about that thread, I was enjoying Squid’s input, and I didn’t want to hijack the conversation. We have so many long winded conversations between us – if you came here to learn about atheists I’d hate for you to leave having only been exposed in discussion to my own personal take on it .
-Me (Scrybe)-
SteveS wrote: |
I believe this because of compelling physical evidence. There is a lot left to learn, but there is no good reason to believe that the things within our Universe were designed by anything other than these natural laws |
Again with the physical evidence. I interpret the physical evidence differently, but arguing that back and forth is pointless. The point behind the point is "Why is there physical anything?" You dismiss the question:
SteveS wrote: |
Two questions: Why is this the ideal? And what are the ramifications of ignoring the question of origins?
SteveS wrote: |
Well... yes.
SteveS wrote: |
I think there are two good reasons to speculate. First, it is our nature to speculate. Where would we be in the sciences if we didn't speculate? Second, there are profound ramifications on the way we live and organize ourselves that depend on how the question is answered. (or left unanswered.)
SteveS wrote: |
You are substituting the general for the specific, creating guilt by association. I do not marginalize an entire sphere of life the way an atheist must. I investigate religious claims and discard the vast majority of them. But I don't marginalize them out of hand as one who denies all spiritual reality must.
SteveS wrote: |
Not by your inappropriate application of scientific tools. You don't prove that love or beauty is real with scientific tools. You don't prove that spiritual experiences are real with scientific tools. It's like your trying to apply paint with a hammer, and saying, "painted walls can't be real because my hammer won't paint!"
SteveS wrote: |
I think there is more interplay than that. I think your worldview channels your reason. And your reason molds your worldview. I'm advocating breaking down the walls your reason has built to dam your worldview. … I think.
SteveS wrote: |
Yes, you can claim that. Though, I'm not claiming that metaphysical experiences are every bit as real as physical ones. I'm claiming that I don't know. But in order to answer some of the big questions I'm forced to follow conclusions that coincide with what I would call spiritual experiences. I admit that my experiences could be psychological trickeries that I've misinterpreted. And if, in investigating the big questions I discovered some reasonable proof that there is no spiritual realm I wouldn't be at all remiss in discarding those experiences as such.
SteveS wrote: |
In a sense, yes. Though sorting out motive in this sort of issue may be a Gordian knot. I've concluded that there must be some sort of supernatural power since there is a reality. My Christian upbringing has a huge influence on the way I view that power. Though I am open to other ideas.
SteveS wrote: |
I don't think I'm guilty of this. Do you have an example?
SteveS wrote: |
Well… is it inside the realm of science? Yes, it is unknown. But is there any scientific concept that approaches the concept of something-from-nothing?
SteveS wrote: |
Well that's a bit of a loaded word isn't it? But essentially I agree.
SteveS wrote: |
I think this world and its history are far to complex to make such a simplistic statement. There is no way to show causation or even correlation. Humanity is far more atheistic now than it ever has been and the world is no more or less dark than it ever has been.
SteveS wrote: |
Well I didn't really come here to learn about atheists. I came here because God came to me in a dream and commanded me to convert some guy named Steve. ...Just kidding, just kidding. I'm here on more of a mission to expose my beliefs to greater scrutiny. So don't worry about ganging up on me with others.
Thanks - this was an interesting answer.
Scrybe wrote: |
The point behind the point is "Why is there physical anything?" |
About this, I don't think I'm dismissing this question - I think it is a great question. I don't think anyone knows enough to answer this question yet, although I certainly hope that scientific research may one day find an answer. Because we don't know enough to answer this question now hardly means we won't one day (if we don't self destruct, or get creamed by asteroid, or find a way to migrate before our sun burns out, etc.).
One thing we're sure about: as scientific knowledge increases, we find that reality is far stranger that we originally realized. This makes sense: our "common sense" and "human intuition" are really just prejudices formed by our regular work-a-day experiences.
Look over the following Wiki Article on Vacuum Fluctuation to get an idea of what I'm talking about. No doubt, this is funky, right? With weirdness like this describing reality, how can we just write off the big bang as impossible physically? And if we say it has a "non-physical" origin, what the heck is that? Honestly, that's even weirder than the above wiki. How do we even describe the non-physical? This is why I'm having such a hard time with our conversation. I don't know what non-physical reality is. Anything attributed to non-physical causes (whatever they are) seems to have an alternate explanation that is plausible and physical (seems to me, I should qualify). A final thought on this, we can describe physical reality fairly well. Non-physical seems like a negative definition. What is it, anything we can conceptualize that is not currently described physically?
Scrybe wrote: |
Two questions: Why is this the ideal? And what are the ramifications of ignoring the question of origins? |
Context re-fresh: This was in response to my statement that "Ideally, we wouldn't make any assumptions about things like these", which in this case was the origin of the universe ("above and beyond" the big bang, if you will).
My point was that in the case of origin it's hard to feel we have a firm foundation from which to make any "reasonable" assumptions, leaving any assumptions that we do make unfounded. Ideally, we don't make unfounded assumptions because we can find ourselves working down a line of reason (or expensive/time-consuming research) that is doomed because the original premise was false. I hate it when this happens
What are the ramifications of ignoring the question? Easy: ignorance. I don't actually propose we ignore it. I propose we "keep on keepin' on" until we get to some further understanding from which we can launch an attack on the answer, or at least "speculate" or "assume" from some more reasonable position.
Scrybe wrote: |
I think there are two good reasons to speculate. |
I basically agree with you - when I said "speculate without reason" I meant speculate without "reason" as in logic, or logical foundation, or rational reason, to back up our speculations. With insufficient knowledge, how do we favor one speculation over another?
Scrybe wrote: |
one who denies all spiritual reality |
I only claim that spiritual reality has not been demonstrated to be true. I don't deny the possibility. But give me something I can sink my teeth into, something we can hold onto, something beyond personal experiences that we have to accept simply on somebody's say so. I don't want you to have the impression I just write-off all possibility of spiritual reality. I don't, but I do require that its existence stands to rigorous proof. So far, to say it doesn't seems like an understatement to me.
Side note: it's funny when I read this I find how sensitive I am to the word "deny". Like the dictionary says, an atheist is a person who denies the existence of god. Then why does it define innocent as "free of guilt", instead of as "denying guilt"? It seems like a prejudice to me.
Scrybe wrote: |
Not by your inappropriate application of scientific tools. You don't prove that love or beauty is real with scientific tools. You don't prove that spiritual experiences are real with scientific tools. It's like your trying to apply paint with a hammer, and saying, "painted walls can't be real because my hammer won't paint!" |
I returned that hammer (it sucked). Seriously, the problem I have with this is that love and beauty in the above sense are abstract concepts. If spiritual experiences are "real" as abstract concepts, well, that's certainly true because here we are conceptualizing them. But all human thought, abstract, conceptual, whatever, seems ultimately physical to me because it seems reasonable to conclude that all human thought is electrical (or chemical) activity in our brains. "Scientific" tools are really just methods to investigate reality. They are the best methods we have. Don't you think if you tried to explain quantum tunneling to
Scrybe wrote: |
Yes, you can claim that. Though, I'm not claiming that metaphysical experiences are every bit as real as physical ones. I'm claiming that I don't know. But in order to answer some of the big questions I'm forced to follow conclusions that coincide with what I would call spiritual experiences. I admit that my experiences could be psychological trickeries that I've misinterpreted. And if, in investigating the big questions I discovered some reasonable proof that there is no spiritual realm I wouldn't be at all remiss in discarding those experiences as such. |
This paragraph has done me a world of good in understanding your perspective - thanks and cheers
Just to jump ahead a minute,
Scrybe wrote: | ||
I don't think I'm guilty of this. Do you have an example? |
I was under the impression you were arguing against evolution, which I would consider marginalizing a physical proof. Based on your above, it does not appear to me now that you are doing so, and that you are open to the possibility that there is no spiritual realm (and presumably that there is no god). So I will gladly retract the question .
Scrybe wrote: |
I've concluded that there must be some sort of supernatural power since there is a reality. |
Yeah, I think many people do so. I'd even venture to say most. I think it's something about our humanity that causes this (theory of mind being a likely candidate). (shrugs)
Scrybe wrote: |
But is there any scientific concept that approaches the concept of something-from-nothing? |
Eh, I transfered out of physics because of things like that above wiki link. So, I don't consider myself a physics expert. But, for the life of me, I can't think of such a concept in science right now. Maybe someone else can think of something? I don't know.
But, let's get back to the question - the presumption is that the universe came from nothing. This is a topic that really gets my gears grinding. It's hard to know if this presumption is correct, or even makes sense. It seems to me to be an unfounded assumption that there ever was a nothing. The simple answer would be if reality is broader than our universe - then the big bang didn't necessarily come from nothing. But, what if not. Then, how do we know that the idea of "nothing existing" beyond the big bang is sensible? If time started with the big bang, then the statement that "nothing existed before the big bang" is clearly meaningless because "before the big bang" is a meaningless phrase - there was no "before the big bang", because that's like saying "before time". Nonsense. This is what I mean about finding it hard to know if any of our questions about the origin of the universe even make sense, and finding it safer to make no assumptions at all. The universe has existed as long as time; in other words, for all time there was a universe. So, has the universe existed forever? If not, what's the difference? If there is no space outside the universe (because the universe is space), where did "nothing" exist? In other words, what is "nothing", and how is it different then empty space? These are really hard questions, and they might be nonsensical. Seems to me they say more about our lack of understanding than they do about reality (if this makes sense).
Scrybe wrote: |
Humanity is far more atheistic now than it ever has been and the world is no more or less dark than it ever has been. |
I can't agree with this. We can manipulate our environment far better. We go to doctors when we are sick, instead of witch-doctors (or at least most of us do). We know far more about our existence, the cosmos, life itself. Almost all of this came from the relentless pursuit of knowledge, with built in error correction, that is science.
Scrybe wrote: |
Well I didn't really come here to learn about atheists. I came here because God came to me in a dream and commanded me to convert some guy named Steve. |
Haha! That would have been a tall order (the conversion mission). I understand about the learning thing, I must have misinterpreted something. About the exposure to scrutiny - an excellent idea, I see the sense in it. And finally, I already broke my peace on the dragon thread. I couldn't really keep quiet afterall .
-Me (Scrybe)-
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