Heterodox aftershocks 3: Mind follows heart
I got some feedback from a very kind person who took the time to read my entire epic. One thing he said stood out to me because it reminded me of something my pastor said in his sermon on Sunday that stuck out at me. My pastor noted that where the heart leads, the mind follows. That really resonated with me. In fact, it’s where I hang my hope. I’ll explain why below…. My gentle reader said, “[your] combination of existentialism and skepticism is pretty cut & dried postmodernism, no?” And this could be the crux of the matter. I don’t particularly care about labels, but I care about where my heart is, and what my attitudes are. I don’t know if existentialism and skepticism are intrinsically good or bad things. My guess is that they are both. Perhaps I am a victim of my milieu and can not escape these post-modern propensities. (Although I read Vieth’s Postmodernism Today several years ago, and found most of his arguments sound.) But I assume the heart ...